Want To Be Part Of This Exciting Project? Send Us Your Video Today.
Films are powerful mediums made and consumed to entertain, educate and enrich us.
At Singapore Indian Theatre & Film Explorers (S.I.T.F.E.), we strongly believe that along with theatre, films are also vehicles to convey ideas, thoughts and feelings. A filmmaker tries to convey his or her perception(s) on an issue using films. Some films strike a chord with viewers while others don't. However, all films are important as it speaks of at least a percentage of the creator's identity.
Singapore has many races of people residing. Every race has its own culture. And one's culture is evident in the languages they speak, the food they eat, the clothes they wear - and even the films they make.
We want to compile all the films made in Singapore by the Indians. is a platform to archive short films and its related materials that will serve as a living heritage of Indians for the present and future generations to benefit.
We welcome contributions from filmmakers, collectors, companies and the public.
a. The short film MUST be made in Singapore.
b. The short film MUST be in ANY Indian language (eg. Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, Telugu, Gujerati, Punjabi, Urdu)
MUST revolve around any Indian themes (can be in English or other languages)
c. The short film must be lesser than 45 mins. is a platform to archive short films and its related materials that will serve as a living heritage of Indians for the present and future generations to benefit.
The name and photo associated with your Google account will be recorded when you upload files and submit this form.